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Demux 6 is a DMX 512 to 6 analogic channel (0-10V) signal converter for dimmer or old projector. The 5 pin XLR sockets allow you a pass-through connection to the DMX signal. The selection of the DMX address is programmable by 10 switches which combined dip-switches in binary code select the first channel to be converted. The tenth switch (N.10) is reserved, so it should not be used. The red LED on indicates the correct connection and decoding of the dmx signal. The signal IN 0-10 V is taken by means of DIN plugs in sequence as indicated by the screen printing of the connector. The serial reception section of the DMX signal is optically isolated from the rest of the circuitry. The output in 0-10 V is protected against accidental short-circuits. Power supply: 220/230 Vac, 50 Hz.
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