DMX cable black 5 pin 110 Ohm on 100m roll
- Conductor drains Ø mm: OFC
- Conductor insulation: LDPE white + red + yellow + black, Ø 1,6 mm
- Filler material: paper
- 1st shield: braided tinned copper, 7 x 14 x 0,12
- 2nd shield: Outer isolation: PVC matte black, Ø 7 mm
- Conductor resistance: 130 Ohm / km
- Shield resistance: 12,5 Ohm / km
- Capacity Inner conductor: 35 pF/m
- Cap. Inner conduct. Shield/Inner conduct.: 52 pF/m
- Working temperature: -20 ~ 60 °C (min./max.)
- Working Voltage overflash: 30V
- Nom impedance: 110 Ohm
- Length: 100 m
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