Follow all the latest news from AMLUX, with special offers on products on sale in the online store, as well as industry information in the field of lighting engineering, participation in fairs and much more!
01 July 2019
Implement of the european regulation ERP – Halogen lamps
From September 2009 all low energy-efficient light sources are slowly disappearing. Last year it has been the turn of non-directional halogen lamps for domestic use.
To satisfy all our customers requests, we have add to our portfolio Fenix Stage products, a spanish company which is leader in the sector and that manifacturizes from more the...
7 exciting new products will arrive in the ADJ family and will be launched at NAMM Show in Anaheim, CA. There’s a distinctive new centerpiece, a compact faze machine, a portab...
Here we are again. December is coming with its Christmas atmosphere.
We want to suggest you some interesting products for indoor and outdoor use, arrangements, classical synt...
AMLUX, a new distributor for Europe for CODEM MUSIC
New products at Amlux! We are EUROPEAN DISTRIBUTOR for Codem Music products!
They sold the brands DVR, NEXT and WiDMX for Audio and Light Professional device. The planning, b...
Spring has came with lots of news. Thanks to the recent fairs for the sector, we have choosen some products that could catch the eye.Between the news shown at Frankfurt, we ha...
ADJ is proud to introduce the Element Series, a new collection of elegantly-designed battery powered, long distance wireless DMX (2,500ft/700M line of sight) par fixtures spec...
Antari propose a new battery-operated portable fog machine, FT-20, capable of providing long time operations with massive fog output. This fog machine is ideal for fire-fighti...