Follow all the latest news from AMLUX, with special offers on products on sale in the online store, as well as industry information in the field of lighting engineering, participation in fairs and much more!
07 March 2023
There had been rumors for several months about the possibility of Tungsram Group plants closing down, but until the last, it was hoped that it was just a rumor. Unfortunately,...
Twinkly Pro: the new frontier of architectural lighting
The world of architecture is always on the move and attentive to the needs of its users. It is precisely with companies and professional lighting installations in mind that Tw...
In the new DPCM signed by the italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi, and strongly desired from the italian Minister for Cultural Heritage and Activities and for Tourism Dario Fr...
DINA series by Nicolaudie: more then a light controller
Even if the world is living a very strange period, Nicolaudie has choosen not to stop and to continue working to create new products for its users. That's why they have create...
New range of professional led-power ellipsoidal fixtures
September is the month of the restart and even if everything still seems to have stopped, large international companies are always on in search of the latest technological inn...
Fast delivery for UVC lamps for sanitization of small-medium spaces
Covid-19 hasn't been defeat yet so it is therefore important to keep our guard up and fight this virus on all fronts. The new requirements ask us a constant attention in the s...
Even for the staff of Amlux time has come for some rest. During the month of August, we will be operational with reduced hours from 8.30 to 12.30. For the summer holidays, our...
To stay ahead of the competition Philips works on a faster delivery time for some of their UVC lamps models. We have available in Europe in few days some UVC linear G13 25W (T...