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08 March 2021

Show venues re-open: how to be prepared

In Italy from March, 27 Theaters and Cinema reopen in Yellow and White zones

In the new DPCM signed by the italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi, and strongly desired from the italian Minister for Cultural Heritage and Activities and for Tourism Dario Franceschini, theatrical, cinemas and concert halls will reopen on 27 March. A very importante date, the anniversary of the World Theater Day, born in 1961.

Reopening in Italy: details

A much discussed reopening due to the numerous restrictions in addition to those we have been accustomed to for some time (Italian Prime Ministerial Decree of 17 May). The shows open to the public in theatrical halls, concert halls, cinemas, live-clubs and in other venues or spaces, even outdoor, are carried out exclusively with pre-assigned and spaced seats and respecting the interpersonal distance of at least one meter for both staff and spectators who are not habitually cohabiting.

The capacity allowed cannot exceed 25% of the maximum authorized and, in any case, the maximum number of specatators cannot exceed 400 for outdoor shows and 200 for indoor shows, for each single room (see the Prime Ministerial Decree 2 March 2021 art.15).

How to be prepared for the reopening of shows venues

Before the reopening we suggest you to carry out the checks and maintenance of the main products to start over in the best possible way in complete safety:

  • Check the hand gel for the audience and the sanitizing liquid to clean and sanitize armchairs after each show (check they are available in sufficient quantities);
  • Check the state of deterioration of the external architectural spotlights, especially the state of the glass, of the gaskets and cable glands, to avoid water infiltration;
  • Maintenance of smoke or fog machines. Check correct operation, due to sudden closure and stall time of the machine; If you haven't cleaned the machine before the closing, the pump or boiler could clog, and therefore need to be replaced; 
  • Check the circuit breakers of the dimmers for halogen headlights;
  • Check the status of the lampholder and of the halogen or discharge lamp, that the bulb is transparent and not grey or white. In case see what do do;
  • Internal cleaning of any motorized projectors to avoid damages or breakage. Often with the postpone closure they can fill with dust or insect nests of various kinds.
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