Italian gouvernment has made a list of rules to contrast the diffusion of the Covid-19. On March 2020 the premier Giuseppe Conte has made a document called DPCM where we can find info about what we can do or we can't do to fight against this virus.
We are receiving lots of email asking us if we can send our products. The answer is YES, we can.
In this period of forced stop, we suggest you to think about the maintenance of your equipment to be prepared for the summer season and avoid any disputes due to eventually high volume of requests and supply difficulties.
Are there any restrictions on the transit of goods?
NO, no limitation. All goods (therefore not only the basic necessities) can be transported on the national territory. The transport of goods is consideres as a work requirement: the personnel who work in this sector can move, limited to the needs of delivery or collection of the goods. Can freight couriers circulate?
YES, they can move. However, due to the extraordinary checks carried out by the police on road and air traffic, deliveries may be delayed compared to normal times.Can goods or products I purchase online carry the virus?
NO, the World Health Organization has stated that people who receive parcels from areas affected by Covid-19 are not at risk of contracting the new coronavirus because it is unable to survive on surfaces for long. Today, we have no evidence that objects, produced in China or elsewhere, can transmit the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). In any case, Amlux uses all the PPE required by law toavoid the spread of this virus. I am a haulier. Are there any restrictions on my work activity?
NO, there are no restrictions on the transit and loading and unloading of goods.