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Why it is better to choose LED technology ?

LED technology represents an innovative and high efficency lighting technology that can guarantee spare of money then traditional lighting ones.

If we have the same lumen (light output), a LED consumes 80% less then a traditional lighting. That means spare of money in your bill.

Then LED lifetime is longer then tradizional halogen lamps. A high quality LED cal last from 50.000 to 70.000 hours, 15 times longer then traditional system. That means that you need less maintenance so you spare again money and time because you don't need to change an exausted lamp for long time.

Led system can be immediately turn on and a high luminous flux that allows you to light the same light with the same light but with a led lamp with reduce power and dimension.

LED lamps don't contain mercure or other toxic substances. LEDs don't emit dangerous U.V. or I.R. radiation like traditional lamps and don0t produce magnetic fields. Then they can be easily disposed. 

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