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Cookies Policy

Amlux srl, as Data Controller, according to EU Regulation 2016/679 (hereinafter "GDPR") and to the general measure of the Privacy Authority of May 8th 2014 and of June 10th 2021, provides the following information about all the cookies used by this website (hereinafter "the site").


The Privacy Policy with all information about the processing of personal data carried out through this site, with the contact details of the Data Controller, can be read here


What are cookies?

Cookies (hereinafter "cookie") are small files that are saved on the user's device while browsing the website, are intended to collect information on the user's navigation of the website and can be retransmitted or reused in occasion of subsequent visits.

Our site uses temporary cookies that are time-limited and are deleted when closing the browser, and persistent cookies that remain stored on the device even after leaving the website or closing the browser: these cookies remain till their deadline or till they are manually eliminated by the user. Cookies can't access and read other files that you have on your device memory and can't be used as virus or for transmitting malware.

Cookies can be "first party" when they come from the domain of the website itself, or "third party" when they come from other sites (of third party) and different from the one visited. It should be noted that, regarding third party’s cookie, the owner of the site does not have control over the management of the information collected by the cookies and subsequently processed, because this occurs outside its own domain and is governed by the rules prepared and applied by the third parties.

There are also other technologies such as pixel tag, web bug, web storage and other files and similar technologies that can work like cookies: in this Cookie Policy we use the word "cookies" also for all these technologies.


Technical or Functional Cookie

Technical, navigation or session cookies, guarantee the normal navigation and use of the website. Functional cookies store information on the choices made by users, in order to improve the functionality and customization of the site as needed, through advanced features such as, for example, the automatic selection of the language, the viewing of videos from external platforms (for example, YouTube) and sharing and publishing content on social networks.

No consent from the interested party is required for their use.


Analytic and Profiling Cookie

These cookies are used to analyze the pages visited and the times spent on the pages, the origin of the users, their site browsing preferences. On the site we use third-party services provided by Google Analytics ( with anonymization (partial masking of the IP address), in this way the third party is not able to acquire the user's IP address and to cross it with other data in its possession, therefore it is not possible to profile user preferences. We use these cookies to collect and analyze the traffic and use of the site anonymously: without directly identifying the user, they allow you to monitor access to the site and improve its performance and usability.

The visitor's consent is not required for these cookies because the data is collected anonymously. The deactivation of these cookies can be performed without any loss of functionality, for more information, please refer to the link;

The user can also selectively disable the action of Google Analytics by installing the opt-out component provided by Google on his browser, please refer to the link


Profiling Cookie or Advertising Cookie

On the site we use third-party services that use tracking and profiling cookies, for which the visitor is informed before accessing the site and consent is requested: these cookies are registered on the device only if the user accepts them before accessing to the site.

Profiling cookies monitor and profile users during navigation, studying and memorizing their options and browsing habits on the site and on the web in general, as well as consumption habits, also for the purpose of sending advertising of targeted and personalized services.

These tracking cookies are used for marketing purposes, to create profiles relating to the user and user preferences while browsing the site and can cross-reference the information collected with that already in the possession of third parties or collected from other websites of third parties. For these cookies, the data collected from the user are also transmitted to providers or web service providers located in the United States (USA) and therefore outside the European Union. In compliance with the principles and requirements of Articles 44 and 49 of the GDPR for extra-EU transfers, the legal basis for the transfer is the prior consent of the interested party pursuant to art. 6 par. 1 letter a) of the GDPR.


Third-Party Cookie to incorporate products and functions

This type of cookies incorporates advance features developed from third-parties inside the website pages such as icons and preferences given in Social Networks (c.d. Social Plug-In) to share website contents or to use third-part software services (like the ones to generate maps or other software that offer additional services). These cookies are sent from third-part domains and from partner of our website that offer their function inside our website pages.

We use Facebook cookies to check advertising campaigns performance, for example to count the number of views of ads or to measure the frequency of some actions, e.g. mouse click on pages. Cookies allow us to collect statistics data about person who visited us throw Facebook or that interact with our ads. Cookies allow us to memorize preferences, to know when the user has seen our contents on Facebook or has interacted with our pages.

For their use it is required user’s consent when he enters the website (Cookie Banner).

For these cookies, the data collected from the user are also transmitted to providers or web service providers located in the United States (USA) and therefore outside the European Union. In compliance with the principles and requirements of Articles 44 and 49 of the GDPR for extra-EU transfers, the legal basis for the transfer is the prior consent of the interested party pursuant to art. 6 par. 1 letter a) of the GDPR.


Methods of processing and communicating cookie data

The cookie data will be communicated exclusively to authorized and designated subjects for the management of the site and our activities relating to the site:

  • internal staff acting under the authority of the Data Controller
  • third-party cookies are transmitted to the respective owners of third-party sites
  • hosting provider, website developer, other internet service providers for the website.


The data of third-party cookies, subject to specific consent, may be transferred outside the EU to providers or web service providers located in the United States (USA), considered an "adequate country" pursuant to European legislation on the protection of personal data: these third parties provide guarantees of an adequate level of protection in compliance with regulatory requirements, with particular regard to the security measures adopted.


Cookie used by this website
To visualize the complete list of the cookie used by this site, go down this page and click on “VIEW[S1]  COOKIE PREFERENCES” and then on the button “See Cookie list” where you can find the purpose and duration of each cookie.


Accepting or refusing Cookie

When you enter the site, you find a banner with the text of the short cookies policy and the link to this extended version. The banner allows the visitor to set the choice for optional profiling / tracking cookies. Only functional / technical cookies are enabled by default because they are necessary and cannot be deactivated without loss of site functionality. The consent to the use of the cookies set is registered with a "technical cookie" saved in the user's device.

As regards optional, analytical and tracking Cookie or for marketing and advertising, we use Google services with Consent Mode v2 which introduces specific parameters for managing consent to the collection of user data for analytical or advertising purpose and consent to ad personalization (for example, for advertising via Google Ads). These features allow to deactivate tracking Cookie if specific consent has not been obtained, respecting user preferences in accordance with the law, without compromising the effectiveness of analytical services and advertising campaigns.


To manage the use of cookies you can also modify browser settings through the following possible solutions, they are shown as example and others exist:

- modification of the browser settings, which allow or not the storage of cookies and which normally allow to set the cookie rules so that those of third parties are not accepted. Some also allow you to block cookies of some third parties and not others, through a function that allows you to indicate from which domains allow the sending of cookies;

- with specific software components added to the browser (plug-in) that specialize the functions commonly made available by the software for navigation and can be set by the user to make a selection of cookies based on the domains of origin;

- through the so called "do not track" that allows the user to report to each site visited his will to be or not track during the navigation. This technical mode is not standardized and there is no certainty that this functionality is implemented on all domains that store cookies on the site and for which, being a third party, the holder does not control;

- it is possible to deactivate Google Analytics cookie surfing the Google web page (Google GAOptOut) and downloading the plug-in for the browser used.

Note: if you choose to block cookies, the full functionality of the website could be compromised.


Cookie Policy Updated

This policy regulates the way cookies are used for this website. The eventual entry into force of new sector regulations, as well as the constant examination and updating of services to the user, could entail the need to change these methods. It is possible that our policy may change over time, so we invite the visitor to periodically consult this page. For this purpose, the policy document highlights the update date.

Last Update: May 2024